Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A song that let's you appear in my mind

This is an old song from NEYO, one of my all time favorite. When I'm listening to this song she will appear in my mind. And I can't stop thinking of her now as what the lyrics wrote ' She steal my heart. Ain't no doubt about it. Girl, you're everything i need'. Below is the lyrics that its felt so strong in my heart and related to me.

I can't figure it out there's something about her
Kinda the woman that can do for herself
I look at her and it makes me proud
That the kind of girl i need

her favorite thing to say
' Don't worry i got it '
everything she got
Best believe she bought it

She steal my heart
Ain't no doubt about it
Girl, you're everything i need

You're everything i need

She got her own things that's why i love her.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What's life mean to you?

Leave my hometown 4 months ago to pursue my dreams.

Started a new life in Singapore.

Singapore was a nice place for me to challenge and growth.
From the 1st day until now i had never regret for studying in Singapore.

So it had been 4 months here. My life condition was up and down.
I'm glad that my life condition was up and down because it can show the power of faith.


What does life mean to you?

What does life mean to me?

My life is the story about me.
I'm the director of my life even the main actor too.
So I'm the one to choose what my life going to be.


Does it mean that you can choose your life before you born?
We are born as normal figure or feature.
But there was some born as special children.

How was their life going to be?

Can they accept the facts?
Will they be strong?
What do u think?

Today I was so impress by Lee Hayes Kerr. A 5 years old boy.
He's Xin Zhi's brother. He had difficulty on moving his low part of his body.

If u complain your life is sucks.
What can he complain on his life.

He was practicing on walk. The way he walk was like the way our life will be.
He was struggling on walking but when he fell down he will stand up by himself.
A 5 years old child with death moving cells of lower body challenge himself to walk like normal.
I was fully respect the spirit that he have. His determination was very strong.
He doesn't need anyone to help him to reached the destination.
Although it's take time but he still make it.

Now come to us.
What will you do when u facing problem?
Will u have the same spirit as the 5 years old child?

Life is always struggling.
The struggling life is the way to proceed to success.
A 5 years old special child never give up on himself.
How could a normal person give up on one thing.

We should fight for our dreams.
Fight for Peace.

Friday, June 18, 2010

What Is The Meaning of Performance???

Performance is just a entertainment???
a way to earning money???

What is the value of Performing Arts?
Where is the passion for the performer?
Why people can perform a performance that no value at all??


Anyone can tell me WHY???

Is it when come to money the quality of the performance not important at all???
Just simply perform to get those easy money and called that High Paid Career???

The person who done that were killing the field of performing arts.

Performing Arts is to express people's feeling & impress them through our Creativity, Passion & the Spirit.

Where is the love in this world???
The love towards Performing Arts

Where is it???

To those who really hope to contribute to the world of Performing Arts,

Please stand up and fight for our future.
We can't let those people destroy the beauty of Performing Arts.

Show Them

towards Performing Arts.

Love & Peace


Sunday, March 28, 2010

A Flight to Singapore that change my life...

Nervous, Joy, Scare & Excited all come together on the 1st day of trip.

23rd of Feb on a morning flight to Singapore with Jetstar.
That was the important day of my life.

Once the flight arrived at Changi Airport,
I'm so excited that I had reach Singapore and I'm come here alone.

Slowly a strange feel come to me.
It was a combination of scare, nervous & worry.
Oh my god, my NAFA audition was getting closer.
That make me nervous and keep repeating my dance step in my mind.

Pass through the emigration, straight to the MRT on a rush to Orchard Plaza for collecting my Leotard and ballet shoe.
After that grap a Subway bold cut trio at the roadside and finish it in a garden near by SMU.

The feeling came again after finish my lunch.
2 hour left for the audition.


Tic Toc Tic Toc...

The time came closer. And is about to start.

It started with half an hour ballet.

This session was taking my life.
That was my 1st try on Ballet.
It's really tough. But this was the way that i choose.
So, i must fulfill all the requirement to succeed in my dream.

Half an hour pass and another Half an hour came.

Time for Modern dance now.
This session I'm felt so lucky.
cause most of the technique i had learned from my previous contemporary class.
so not a big problem here.

I'm so lucky...

Finish up Modern dance, the next want will be the most nervous part.

1 and a half minute of Solo

With a less preparation of my solo, I felt nervous.
the song of Travis Gerland Twilight.
The music Floating in my mind.

With the number 9 on me waiting outside of the studio.
When see each of the applicant walk out from the studio, it makes me more nervous.
8 is calling in and the next one will be 9.

"NUMBER 9.... NUMBER 9.. NUMBER 9..."
Oh My God is my turn...
Take a deep breathe and walk in to the studio.

The music play and i started to dance.


At last...

I finished the solo and the interview.

What i can do on that time was get back and wait for the result.

End up the audition.

Last 2 week

got a postman went to my house knock the door and shout " Leang Hui Jie".
Should be some mail for me.

Went i open up.


It's the offer letter from NAFA.
Which mean i get in to a dance school to fulfill my dream.

I'm so happy about it.

Now i had step forward toward my dream.

Toward 2030
A promised to sensei.

Is not only achieving my dream...
Is about success in my mission...

To those who had promised to sensei
Don't give up
Fight for your Mentor


Friday, March 26, 2010


"J3T" is a brand of street wear, which portraying the current trend with the street style... Which currently I'm explore on it. With all the exploration, i came out with the simple, clean typography in a street style way. The quote of " Jetted In Your Own Style " bring the meaning of shine up yourself in your own way. I hope that you all would like it.

You can pay a visit by clicking the link below:


Thursday, January 21, 2010


Some times you belong to a group,
but your priority not belong to that group.

What will you feel?

Still belong to the group?
Or not?

It had confusing me for quite a time.

What should I choose between Priority or Memory???

My priority will be the things that I'm doing all the time.
It also will be my future career & my dreams.

Memory was the things that all the time I'm concern.
It always show the place that I Growth.
Friendship, Teamwork, Fighting Spirit & all the Enjoyable moment was inside there.

Is hard to choose between both.

What should i do???

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Inner of Jet

How much you know about Jet?

He is hard to understand.

His look cool until you will feel cold beside him.

Just who know him more which can understand him.

Not much but still finding some one who really can understand him.

Hope the person will come in front him soon.
